About Me

I am passionately in love with .NET and have been working in .NET for than 10 years. I also have experience with SharePoint for about 3 years- which includes both SharePoint 2010 and 2013. I am fluent with html, css, javascript. I have working experience with Java and PHP too. I am quite comfortable solving problems using cloud services from {AWS, Azure, Google Cloud}. If you would like to know more about my technical expertise, my LinkedIn or StackOverflow profile is a better place. You may also want to check out my github activity. I take quite a pride in saying that I am actively working with Vaughn Vernon and team to implement an Actor Model in .NET.

I am certified as a Professional Scrum Master.

I am always learning something. In March 2016, I have completed the Machine Learning course by Stanford University on Coursera. I was extremely impressed and inspired by Andrew Ng’s lectures (and, of course, by my performance). I was so happy after completing the course that I paid for the certificate to showcase it everywhere. Later, I accumulated enough courage and started Geoffrey Hinton’s Neural Networks for Machine Learning. I had to finish it multiple times to fully grasp the concepts. His course taught me how to learn and what to learn in Machine Learning. I consider this certificate to be one of “the” most valuable achievements in my learning path. Along with Machine Learning, I am also actively studying Quantum Computing these days.

Currently, I am working as a Senior Consultant @ Readify Telstra Purple in Sydney, Australia. My recent passion is tdd, ddd, f#, microservices, nodejs, typescript, javascript and python (yeah, all of them). As a person, I am fun loving and like to take on challenges. I also love to play cricket and table tennis. I like movies for leisure times. Travelling at least once a year has become a habit. I am was learning photography. That almost sums me up.

Want to contact me? Just drop me a line or few @ zpbappiATgmailDOTcom. I will get back to you as soon as I can.